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Flamazine from Canada Pharmacy  


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Common Name: silver sulfadiazine

How does Flamazine work?

Silver sulfadiazine belongs to the class of medications called topical antibiotics. It is used to treat and prevent infection of skin wounds, especially in victims of serious burns. It may also be used in leg ulcers, skin grafts, surgical incisions, and minor cuts and scrapes. It is applied directly to the wounded area, and works by killing the bacteria that may cause infection. Your doctor may choose to use a medication for conditions other than the ones listed in these drug information articles. If you're unsure why you are taking this medication, contact your doctor.

How should I use Flamazine?

Burns: Clean burn wounds and apply silver sulfadiazine over all the affected areas to a depth of 3 mm to 5 mm. One way to apply the cream is with a sterile gloved hand or a sterile non-metallic spatula. Where necessary, re-apply the cream to any area from which it has been removed by activity. Re-apply the cream at least every 24 hours. For hand burns and finger injuries, a recommended method is to apply the medication to the burn and then enclose the hand in a clear plastic bag or glove which is then closed at the wrist. Change the dressing every three days or whenever there is a lot of drainage in the bag. Silver sulfadiazine cream is also used for treatment of leg ulcers. Ask your health professional about the best way to apply the cream and care for the affected area. Many things can affect the dose of medication that a person needs, such as body weight, other medical conditions, and other medications. If your doctor has recommended a dose different from the ones given here, do not change the way that you are taking the medication without consulting your doctor. I t is very important that this medication be applied on a regular schedule as prescribed by the doctor. If you miss a dose of this medication, use it as soon as you remember it. Do not double-up on doses.

What form(s) does Flamazine come in?

Each gram of white cream contains silver sulfadiazine 1% w/w and chlorhexidine digluconate 0.2% w/w in a water soluble base. Nonmedicinal ingredients include cetyl alcohol, water, glyceryl monostearate, liquid paraffin, Lubrol, polawax, and propylene glycol.

What should I NOT take with Flamazine?

This medication should not be used by: anyone allergic to silver sulfadiazine or any of the ingredients of the medication pregnant women at term premature infants or newborns in their first month of life

Are there any other precautions or warnings for Flamazine?

Allergy to sulfonamides: People who have previously shown sensitization reactions to sulfonamides should exercise caution in the use of silver sulfadiazine. Glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency: Silver sulfadiazine should be used with caution by patients with a history of G-6-PD (glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase) deficiency as hemolysis (breakdown of blood cells) may occur. Liver and kidney function: Silver sulfadiazine should be used with caution by patients with significant liver or kidney impairment. Oral hypoglycemic agents and phenytoin: In patients with large area burns where serum sulfadiazine levels may approach therapeutic levels, the action of anti-diabetic agents and phenytoin may be increased and it is recommended that blood levels be monitored. Pregnancy: The safety of silver sulfadiazine has not been established for use during pregnancy. Silver sulfadiazine should only be used by badly burned pregnant women if the benefits outweigh the risks. Silver sulfadiazine should not be used by a pregnant woman near term.